Carine Bakker


Tomatis® Consultant Level 4

Carine Bakker’s background includes a B.MUS (WITS), Licentiate in Performance (UNISA) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Education (RAU). She has extensive experience in teaching across all age groups, in both individual and small group settings, as a music teacher. Carine particularly enjoyed presenting, for 3-7-year-olds, music-based education classes which used the power and joy of music-making to give the body and brain a complete workout through movement, rhythm, vocal activities, and playing instruments. Since moving to New Zealand in 2003, she has cared for people with intellectual disabilities and has been involved in remedial tutoring of children with learning disabilities since 2011. She is also trained in the Feuerstein Method of Mediated Learning Experience.

Why I work with Tomatis®

It is my love for music, interest in brain plasticity and passion for helping children, especially those with Auditory Processing Difficulties, that led me to investigate the Tomatis® Method and pursue it with enthusiasm. I was quickly drawn to the simplicity, efficiency and unique methodology of this program. I am constantly amazed by the brain’s ability to change and adapt, forming permanent new pathways while one is simply relaxing and listening to the most beautiful music!


Since becoming a Tomatis® Practitioner, I’ve never looked back. I’ve had the privilege of seeing clients improve in many areas. I have clients testifying cleared thinking, improved memory and recall, improved school results, increased creativity and people becoming more focused and engaged in their tasks. Additionally, in the area of physical activity, I’ve also observed significant improvements in gross and fine motor skills, as well as in hand-eye coordination and sensory integration. Some communication developments I have observed in clients include gaining confidence, being emotionally more regulated and their articulation of words becoming clearer. Pleasantly, clients have also related to me that they have experienced becoming more relaxed, less stressed, sleeping better, developing new friendships, coping with life’s challenges and, overall, enjoying life to a much greater extent.

Get in touch

It is a privilege for me to share the Tomatis® Method with people. If you think this could benefit you, please feel free to contact me.

Read about one of my clients.