Tomatis® Research

There is a wealth of research and studies about the benefits of the Tomatis® Method. The evidence dates back more than 60 years.

After the Second World War, Dr Alfred Tomatis, a French ear-nose-throat doctor, studied how hearing and hearing loss affect the voice.

He developed the Tomatis® Method of auditory re-education to help his patients with voice or hearing problems. To his surprise they improved their performance in many other areas – not only voice and auditory processing (or listening as he called it). The improvements were lasting.

Numerous research articles and studies

Since 1959, there have been numerous published articles and peer-reviewed studies, pilot studies, presentations, and case studies covering different application areas of the Tomatis® Method such as:

Rehabilitation from brain trauma, stoke, accidents

Musicality and singing for professional musicians and school children

Rehabilitation from burnout, stress and anxiety

Developmental delays, rare diagnoses

Foreign language learning

General wellbeing, sleep, and improved overall performance.

Published articles and studies (available online)

Visit to read full texts online of peer-reviewed and published articles, pilot studies, case studies and more.

Published articles and studies (references only)

Published Peer-reviewed Articles

This list is not complete.

  • Brosch, H. (2000). “Sound therapy according to Alfred Tomatis”. Kinderkrankenschwester, 19 (10), 412-414.
  • Du Plessis, W.F. & Van Jaarsveld, P.E. (1988). “Audio-psycho-phonology: A comparative outcome study on anxious primary school pupils”. South Africa Tydskr. Sielk (Journal of Psychology), 18:4, 144-151.
  • Du Plessis, W.F., Burger, S., Munro, M., Wissing, D., & Nel, W. (2001). “Multimodal enhancement of culturally diverse, young adult musicians: a pilot study involving the Tomatis Method”. South African Journal of Psychology, 31, (3), 35-42.
  • Du Plessis, W.F., Munro, M., Wissing, D. & Nel, W. “Holistic singer empowerment: Tomatis as myth or multimodal stimulation?” Voice and Speech Review, 2000, 271-284.
  • Gentile, A. (1971). “Academic achievement test results of a national testing program for hearing impaired students:” (Series D, Number 9) Washington, DC: Office of Demographic Studies, Gallaudet College.
  • Gilmor T.M. (1999). “The efficacy of the Tomatis Method for children with learning and communication disorders: a Meta-analysis”. International Journal of Listening, 13, 12-23.
  • Husain, G., Thompson, W. F., & Schellenberg, E. G. (2002). “Effects of Musical Tempo and Mode on Arousal, Mood, and Spatial Abilities.” Music Perception, 20 (2), 151-171.
  • Husson, M.R., Moulonguet, M. (1957). “Modifications Phonatoires d’Origine Auditive et Applications Physiologiques et Cliniques” Bulletin de l’Académie Nationale de Médicine/2 141: 19-20.
  • Jaušovec, N., & Habe, K. (2003). The “Mozart Effect”: An Electroencephalographic Analysis Employing the Methods of Induced Event-Related Desynchronization/Synchronization and Event-Related Coherence. Brain Topography, 16(2), 73-84.
  • Jaušovec, N., & Habe, K. (2004). The influence of auditory background stimulation (Mozart’s sonata K. 448) on visual brain activity. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 51(3), 261-271.
  • Jaušovec, N., & Habe, K. (2005). The Influence of Mozart’s Sonata K. 448 on Brain Activity During the Performance of Spatial Rotation and Numerical Tasks. Brain Topography, 17 (4), 207-218.
  • Jaušovec, N., Jausovec, K., & Gerlic, I. (2006). The influence of Mozart’s music on brain activity in the process of learning. Clin Neurophysiol.
  • Jenkins, J. S. (2001). The Mozart Effect. Journal of The Royal Society of Medicine, 94, 170-172.
  • Joiner, Elizabeth G. (2000). Listening Training for Language Learners: The Tomatis Approach to Second Language Acquisition. In New Millennium, New Directions: Dimension 2000. Cherry, C. Maurice (Ed.) SCOLT Publications, Valdosta, GA (ED 467493).
  • Jones, S., & Zigler, E. (2002). The Mozart effect: Not learning from history. Applied Developmental Psychology, 23, 355-372.
  • Kershner, J., Cummings, R., Clarke, K., Hadfield, A., & Kershner, B. A. (1986). Evaluation of the Tomatis Listening Training Program with learning disabled children. Canadian Journal of Special Education, 2, 1-32.
  • Kershner, J.R., Cummings, R.L., Clarke, K.A., Hadfield, A.J., & Kershner, B.A. (1990). Two-year evaluation of the Tomatis listening training program with learning disabled children. Learning Disabilities Quarterly, 13, 43-53.
  • Lemmer, K., Wissing, D.P., & Du Plessis, W. F. (2000). Audio-Psycho-Phonology as an aid to improve the pronunciation of the English Zulu-speakers: an evaluation. South African Journal of Language, 38, 113-132.
  • Madaule, Paul. (2001) Listening and Singing. Journal of Singing: Vol. 57, no. 5, 15-20. May/June.
  • McKelvie, P., & Low, J. (2002). Listening to Mozart does not improve children. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 20 (2), 241-258.
  • Neysmith-Roy, J. M. (2001). The Tomatis method with severely autistic boys: individual case studies of behavioral change. South African Journal of Psychology, 31 (1), 19-28.
  • Querleu, D., Renard, X., Versyp, F., et al. (1988a). Fetal hearing. European Journal of Obsterics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 29, 191-212.
  • Querleu, D., Renard, X., Versyp, F., et al. (1988b). La transmission intra-amniotique des voix humaines. Revue française de gynécologie et d’obstétrique, 83, 43-50.
  • Ratynska, J., Kurkowski, Z. C. M., SzkielCkowska, A., & Markowska, R. (2003). Listening ability and auditory lateralisation in patients with vocal fold nodules and other laryngeal pathologies secondary to improper voice emission. International Congress Series, 1240, 1307-1309.
  • Rauscher, F. H., Shaw, G. L., & Ky, C. N. (1993). Music and spatial task performance. Nature, 365(6447), 611-611.
  • Roberts, C.V. (1988). The validation of listening tests: cutting of the Gordian Knot. Journal of the International Listening Association, 2, 1-19.
  • Sarda, D. (1999) The Mozart Effect’s Magic. Renaissance, Bulletin of the Art Renaissance Initiative, March/April.
  • Spence, M. & DeCasper, A. (1986). Prenatal experience with low frequency maternal voice sounds influences the newborn’s perception of maternal voice. Infant Behavioral Development, 10, 133-142.
  • Szkielkowska, A., Ratynska, J., Kurkowski, M., & Markowska, R. (2003). Application of a digital speech aid in stuttering patients. International Congress Series, 1240, 1303-1305.
  • Talero-Gutierrez, C., Zarruk-Serrano, J. G., & Espinosa-Bode, A. (2004). Musical perception and cognitive functions. Is there such a thing as the Mozart effect? Review of Neurology, 39 (12), 1167-1173.
  • Tallal, P., Merzenich, M. M., Miller, S., & Jenkins, W. (1998). Language learning impairments: integrating basic science, technology, and remediation. Experimental Brain Research, 123(1), 210-219.
  • Tallal, P., Miller, S., & Fitch, R. H. (1993). Neurobiological basis of speech: a case for the preeminence of temporal processing. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 682, 27-47.
  • Tallal, P., & Piercy, M. (1973). Defects of non-verbal auditory perception in children with developmental aphasia. Nature, 241 (5390), 468–469.
  • Tallal, P., & Piercy, M. (1975). Developmental aphasia: the perception of brief vowels and extended stop consonants. Neuropsychologia, 13(1), 69-74.
  • Tallal, P. (1976). Rapid auditory processing in normal and disordered language development. Journal of Speech and Hearing Research, 19, 561.
  • Thompson, B. M. and Andrews, S. (1999). The Emerging Field of Sound Training:Technologies and Methods. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 18, 2, 89-96.
  • Thompson, B. M. and Andrews, S. (2000). An Historical Commentary on the Physiological Effects of Music: Tomatis, Mozart and Neuropsychology, Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science, 35:3, 174-188.
  • Thompson, W. F., Schellenberg, E. G., & Husain, G. (2001). Arousal, mood, and the Mozart effect. Psychological Science, 12(3), 248-251.
  • Thompson, W. F., Schellenberg, E. G., & Husain, G. (2004). Decoding speech prosody: Do music lessons help. Emotion, 4(1), 46-64.
  • Tollkotter, M., Pfleiderer, B., Soros, P., & Michael, N. (2005). Effects of antidepressive therapy on auditory processing in severely depressed patients: A combined MRS and MEG study. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 40 (4), 293-306.
  • Van Jaarsveld, P.E., & Du Plessis, W.F. (1988). Audio-psycho-phonology at Potchefstroom: a review. South Africa Tydskr. Sielk (South African Journal of Psychology). 18:4, 136-142.

Published Articles, Books, and Presentations by Polish Researchers

  • Kurkowski ZM (1999). Auditory lateralization and its disorders in stuttering patients, 6th International Conference on Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warszawa-Miko?ajki, abstract book (CD), abstract nr 112.
  • Kurkowski ZM (1999). Hearing and listening in the case of children with speech disorders, 6th International Conference on Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warszawa-Miko?ajki, abstract book (CD), abstract nr 114.
  • Kurkowski ZM (1999). Hearing disorders in the case of motor alalia, 6th International Conference on Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warszawa-Miko?ajki, abstract book (CD), abstract nr 113.
  • Kurkowski ZM (1999). Lateral hearing impairment vs. psychopedagogical difficulties, 6th International Conference on Physiology and Pathology of Hearing, Warszawa-Miko?ajki, abstract book (CD), abstract nr 116.
  • Kurkowski ZM (2000). Auditory lateralization vs speech disorders, proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Oto-rhino-laryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Berlin, Monduzzi Editore, pp.113-116.
  • Kurkowski ZM (2000). Psycholinguistic consequences of right-sided vs left-sided deafness, proceedings of the 4th European Congress of Oto-rhino-laryngology Head and Neck Surgery, Berlin, Monduzzi Editore ,117-120.
  • Kurkowski ZM (1998). S?uch a mowa w aspekcie rozwojowym w normie i patologii [Development of hearing abilities and speech in norm and pathology], Kosmos, 47, 289-296.
  • Kurkowski ZM (1998). Centralne zaburzenia s?uchu [Central hearing disorders] in: Afazja (edit.) Z. Tarkowski, 6, 97-101
  • Biuletyn Polskich Terapeutów Mowy Kurkowski ZM (1999). Zaburzenia percepcji s?uchowej u osób z alali? motoryczn?, [Disturbances of auditory perception in patients with motor alalia] Audiofonologia, XV, 199-204.
  • Kurkowski ZM (1999). Psychopedagogiczne konsekwencje g?uchot jednostronnych [Psychopedagogical consequences of unilateral deafness], Audiofonologia, XV, 215-220.
  • Kurkowski ZM (2000). Dyslalia audiogenna,[Audiogenic dyslalia] (monography) Wydawnictwo Polskiego Towarzystwa Logopedycznego, Lublin, 164.
  • Kurkowski ZM (2000) G?uchota jednostronna-s?yszenie jednouszne, [Unilateral deafness – monaural hearing] Audiofonologia, XVII, 139-148.
  • Kurkowski ZM (2000). G?uchota jednostronna – problem lingwistyczny, psychologiczny i pedagogiczny [Unilateral deafness-linguistic, psychological and pedagogical problem] S?uch, (30) 1-5.
  • Kurkowski ZM (2000). Audiogenne uwarunkowania zaburze? mowy [Audiogenic conditioning of speech disorders], Logopedia, 28, 97-105.
  • Kurkowski ZM (2000). Jednostronne uszkodzenia narz?du s?uchu a zaburzenia mowy [Unilateral deafness and speech disorders], XXXIX Congress of Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons, Kraków, Abstract book p. 324.
  • Kurkowski ZM (2001). Stymulacja audio-psycho-lingwistyczna-Metoda Tomatisa [Audio-psycho-linguistic stimulation-the Tomatis Method], Audiofonologia, XIX, 197-202.
  • Kurkowski ZM (2001). Ksztaltowanie si? zdolno?ci s?uchowych a rozwój mowy [Listening ability and speech development], in Zaburzenia mowy, ed S. Grabias, Wydawnictwo UMCS, Lublin, p 267-272.
  • Kurkowski ZM (2002). Uwaga s?uchowa u dzieci z dyslali? [Listening abilities in children with dyslalia], XIV Conference of Polish Society of Speech Therapists, Lublin , abstract book p. 33.
  • Kurkowski ZM (2002). Lateralizacja s?uchowa a zaburzenia komunikacji j?zykowej [Auditory laterality in language communication disorders], XIV Conference of Polish Society of Speech Therapists, Lublin, abstract book p. 21.
  • Kurkowski ZM, Grabias S, Skarzynski H. (1998). Audiogenically conditioned language communication disorders, Proceedings of the International Otolaryngologic Congress, Bratislava, Abstract book p. 95.
  • Kurkowski ZM, Skarzynski H, Micha?owska E. (1998). Lateralization of hearing vs cochlear implants, Proceedings of the International Otolaryngologic Congress, Bratislava, Abstract book p. 96.
  • Kurkowski ZM, Skarzynski H, Mueller-Malesi?ska M, Micha?owska E. (1998). Unilateral hearing impairment vs difficulties in education, Proceedings of the International Otolaryngologic Congress, Bratislava, Abstract book p. 98.
  • Kurkowski ZM, Ratynska J, Szkiełkowska J, Markowska R. (2002). Listening ability and auditory lateralization in patients with vocal fold nodules, XVIIth World Congress of the International Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (IFOS), Cairo, abstract book p. 288 (it will be published in full text in conference proceedings under the title Listening ability and auditory lateralisation in patients with vocal fold nodules and other laryngeal pathologies secondary to improper voice emission) .
  • Kurkowski ZM, Szkiełkowska A., Ratynska J., Markowska R. Mularzuk M. (2002). Zastosowanie Metody Tomatisa w diagnozie i terapii osób z zaburzeniami mowy [Application of the Tomatis Method in diagnostics and therapy in patients with speech disorders], XIV Conference of Polish Society of Speech Therapists, Lublin , abstract book, p. 33.
  • Kurkowski M, Szkiełkowska A., Ratynska J., Markowska R. (2002). Rola kontroli s?uchowej w procesie artykulacji [Importance of auditory control in articulation process], XI Conference of the Phoniatric Section of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons, Poznan.
  • Ratynska J., Szkiełkowska A., Kurkowski ZM, Markowska R., Skarzynski H. (2002). Diagnoza i terapia osób z zaburzeniami g?osu wspomagana Metod? Tomatisa [Diagnostics and treatment of patients with voice diorders can be supported with the Tomatis Method], XIV Conference of Polish Society of Speech Therapists, Lublin, abstract book p. 35.
  • Sadownik B., Schiftan Y. (1993). Alfreda Tomatisa pedagogika ws?uchiwania si? [A. Tomatis’s listening pedagogy], in Opuscula Logopaedica, University of Maria Curie-Sklodowska, Lublin p. 86-93.
  • Szkiełkowska A. RatynskaJ., Markowska R., Kurkowski ZM, Skar?y?ski H (2001). Czynniki predysponuj?ce do j?kania –charakterystyka grupy pacjentów Instytutu Fizjologii i Patologii S?uchu w Warszawie, [Predisposing factors to stuttering-charcteristics of the group of patients of the Institute of Physiology and Pathology of Hearing in Warsaw] Audiofonologia XX, 99-104.
  • Szkiełkowska A., RatynskaJ., Markowska R. Kurkowski M. (2001). Mo?liwo?ci terapii w dysfoniach dzieci?cych [Therapeutic modalities in child dysphonia], X Conference of the Phoniatric Section of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons, Wigry.
  • Szkiełkowska A., RatynskaJ., Markowska R. Kurkowski M. (2001). Czynniki predysponuj?ce do jakania-charakterystyka grupy pacjentów [Predisposing factors to stuttering], X Conference of the Phoniatric Section of the Polish Society of Otorhinolaryngologists Head and Neck Surgeons, Wigry

Papers and Manuscripts Presented at Conferences

  • Akakios, A. (2001). The effects of the Tomatis method on first-time pregnant women. Unpublished masters thesis. North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa.
  • Botes, C. E. (1979). Audio-psycho-phonology with neurotic depression. Unpublished masters thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa (written in the Afrikaans language).
  • Burger, S. (1999). The effect of structured Audio-Psycho-Phonological progamme with musical young adults. Unpublished masters thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa (written in the Afrikaans language).
  • Coetzee, J. O. (2001). The effects of the Tomatis method on depressed young adults. Unpublished masters thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa.
  • De Bruto, C.M.E. (1983) Audio-psycho-phonology and mentally retarded children: an empirical investigation. Unpublished master’s dissertation. Potchefstroom University (written in the Afrikaans language).
  • Donner, J. (1982). Audio-Psycho-Phonological remedial training in relation to the psychosocial and personality adjustment of dyslexic boys. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Ottawa. Unpublished manuscript.
  • Gilmor, T.M. (1982). A pre-test & post-test survey of children’s and adolescent’s performance before & after completing the Tomatis Program. Unpublished manuscript. Tomatis Centre (Canada).
  • Gilmor, T.M. (1984). Participant characteristics and follow-up evaluations of children and adolescents who have participated in the Listening Training Program (Tomatis Method), 1978-1983. Unpublished manuscript. Tomatis Centre (Canada).
  • Kierman, S. A. (1986). “Vers L’Ecoute Humain,”: Tomatis’ theories on Audio-Psycho-Phonology. Unpublished masters thesis, University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa.
  • Mac Donald, K., & Nicoloff, F. (2000). Exploración de nuevos métodos pedagógicos para la enseñanza de la pronunciación del inglés como segunda lengua. La importancia del Programa de Escucha de Tomatis. Unpublished manuscript. Tomatis Center (Australia).
  • Madaule, P. (1976). The Tomatis Method For Singers and Musicians. Unpublished manuscript, PU for CHE, Potchefstroom.
  • Madaule, P. (1997). Listening Training for Children: Method, Application, and Outcomes. Paper presented at the Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders.
  • Michon, R., & Salaün, O. (1990). Accompanying Pregnant Women: International Association. (Translated from the French by S. Andrews).
  • Nel, L (2005). Asperger disorder and the Tomatis method: a case-study. Unpublished masters thesis. North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa.
  • Peché, A. (1975). Anxiety. Unpublished masters thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa (written in the Afrikaans language).
  • Rolf, A. S. (1998). The evaluation of an Audio-Psycho-Phonological enrichment programme for psychology students. Unpublished masters thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa (written in the Afrikaans language).
  • Rourke, B., & Russell, D. (1982). The Tomatis method applied to older learning disabled children: An evaluation. Paper presented at the Opening Communication Conference Toronto.
  • Roy, J. (1982). Cognitive control functioning and spontaneus speech: Intensive case studies of Audio-Psycho-Phonological remedial training with five dyslexic boys. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Otawa. Unpublished manuscript.
  • Roy, R. T. (1982). Perceptual processing abilities and academic skills: Intensive case studies of Audio-Psycho-Phonological remedial training with five dyslexic boys. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Otawa. Unpublished manuscript.
  • Spence, M. & DeCasper, A. (1982). Human fetuses perceive maternal speech. Paper presented at the SRCD Conference, Austin, TX. List of References on The Tomatis Method 10
  • Stutt, H. (1983). The Tomatis Method: A review of current research. Unpublished manuscript, McGill University.
  • Thompson, B.M. (1988) KJZZ Public Radio interview for PRI (regarding the Mozart Effect). February.
  • Thompson, B.M. (1998). “Imagine”: cable TV interview with John Luksetich (regarding sound). Long Beach, CA.
  • Thompson, B.M. (1998). KCCF Radio interview with Charlotte Miller on alternative healing.
  • Tunmer, S. D. (2000). The effects of the Tomatis method on adults who experienced perinatal complications: a qualitative analysis. Unpublished masters thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa.
  • Van Jaarsveld, P.E. (1974). Stuttering and the efficacy of the technique of Tomatis. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Potchefstroom University (written in the Afrikaans language).
  • Van Jaarsveld, P. E. (1976). The effects of Audio-Psycho-Phonology on stuttering, IIème Congrès National de l’Association Française d’Audio-Psycho-Phonologie, Pau, France.
  • Van Jaarsveld, P.E. (1991). Twenty-one years of Audio-Psycho-Phonology in South Africa , Congrès Tomatis International, Paris, France.
  • Van Wyk, S. (2003). A combined Tomatis and lifestyle enhancement progamme for overweight female students. Unpublished masters thesis, North-West University, Potchefstroom, South Africa.
  • Wilson, B., Palmaccio, T., Metlay, W., & Risucci, D. (1984). Tomatis Project final report: Parts I y II, North Shore University Hospital, Department of Neuropsychology, Cornell University Medical Center, Unpublished manuscript, Manhasset, N. Y.

Research and Case Studies Published by the Tomatis® Association (IARCTC,

  • Ricochet. 2004 Vol 1
  • Ricochet. 2006 Vol 2a, b, c

Published Magazine or Periodical Articles

  • Applegren, B. J. (1998). Music Therapy: Healing Chronic Conditions, Healing Arts Report. Volume 2, No. 6.
  • Brin, David. (1998). How to put KDFC to work for you: the Mozart Effect. KDFC 102.1 Classic Notes. KDFC, San Francisco, CA, Vol. IV, Number 1, Issue #13.
  • Campbell, Don. (1998). Riddle of the Mozart Effect. Natural Health Magazine, reprinted from The Mozart Effect, with permission of Avon Books, a division of the Hearst Corporation.
  • Kitchen, Kate. (1998) Public-Private-Charter: How Do You Know which School Is Best for Your Child. Arizona Healthy Living Magazine. Arizona HealthQuest, Phoenix, AZ..
  • Madaule, P: (1997) The Listening Cure. Equinox Magazine (92, XVI:2): 64-77.
  • McKay, Paul. (2002) Why Mozart’s music is ‘miracle’ medicine. The Ottawa Citizen Newspaper. March 30.
  • Patten, A.T. (1999). The Serene Sounds of Success. Priorities Magazine, Vol. 3, Issue 5. Franklin Covey Co.
  • Scherer, Priscilla. (2002). Learning to Listen. Adoptive Families Magazine: 31-34.
  • Sollier, Pierre. (1998). Ask the Physician: Healing with Music. Alternative Medicine Digest, Future Medicine Publishing, Tiburon, CA. Issue 25.
  • Thompson, B.M. (1988) Sound Listening: On the Beam. Seattle: New Horizons for Learning, Spring.
  • Thompson, B., Madaule, P., & Gilmor, T. (1988-89). Listening, learning & the Tomatis Method. Human Intelligence Newsletter. 9:4, 8-9.
  • Thompson, B.M. (1989). Listening Technology. Proceedings of the National Council of Black Engineers and Scientists.
  • Thompson, B.M. (1990). Tomatis technique: application of sound listening and learning. Paper presented at Region V Workshop, National Academy of Sciences Mathematical Sciences Education Board.
  • Thompson, B.M. (1992). Opening to Change and a Few Mearacles. Open Ear, 6-9.
  • Thompson, B.M. (1995). Listening Integration Training, Complementary Health, Winter/Spring, p. 5-7.
  • Thompson, B. (1995). Listening: More than Hearing, Hearing Health Magazine, The Cutting Edge, Pushing the Boundaries of Hearing Science. Voice International Publications, Ingleside, TX.
  • Thompson, B.M. (1996). Listening, Spirituality, and the Musical Ear: The Tomatis Method, The Orff Echo.
  • Tone, Sue (2002). The Importance of Music in Children’s Lives. Arizona Child: 20-24.
  • Women’s Health Letter (1998). Sound Therapy: Exciting Healing Breakthroughs with Sound & Music, Soundview Publications, Atlanta, GA., Vol. VII, No. 11.

Books and Chapters in Books

  • Abran, Henri (1989). L’Influence de la Musique sur l’apprentissage, le comportement et la santé. Editions Québec/Amérique.
  • Auriol, Bernard (1991, 1994). La Clef des sons. Erès Editions. Ramonville, France.
  • Allison N (ed) (1999): The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Body-Mind Disciplines. New York, NY: Rosen Publishing Group. 109, 111, 113.
  • Belk, J.B. (1989). The journey and its new roadmap: clinical experience with the Tomatis Method in Gilmor, T.M., Madaule, P. and Thompson, B. (Eds.), “About the Tomatis Method” (pp. 129-143). Toronto: The Listening Centre Press.
  • Bloom, L. & Lahey, M. (1978). Language development and language disorders. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons.
  • Beheydt, Ludo (2000) “Pronunciation: A Broader Approach. Discourse and Variation in Pronunciation Training” in Kaunzner, Ulrike A (Ed.), “Pronunciation and the Adult Learner: Limitations and Possibilities.” CLUEB, Bologna.
  • Campbell, D.G. (1983). Introduction to the musical brain. Magnamusic-Baton, Inc.
  • Campbell, D: (1997) The Mozart Effect. New York: Avon Books.
  • Campbell, D. (2000) The Mozart Effect for Children. New York: William Morrow.
  • Campbell, D.G. (1989). The Roar of Silence. Wheaton, Illinois: The Theosophical Publishing House.
  • Campbell, D.G., & Brewer, C.B. (1991). Rhythms of learning: creative tools for academic development. Tucson, Arizona: Zephyr Press.
  • Chutkow P. (1994). Depardieu. New York, NY: Alfred A. Knopf. See also English translation, Chutkow, P. (1994). Depardieu (transl. by Jacqueline Lahana). Paris: Belfond.
  • Davis, Dorinne. (2004). Sound bodies through sound therapy. Landing, N.J.: Kalco Publishing.
  • DeJong, John and Ulrike A. Kaunzner (2000) Acoustic Training and Development of General Language Proficiency in Kaunzner, Ulrike A (Ed.) “Pronunciation and the Adult Learner: Limitations and Possibilities.” CLUEB, Bologna.
  • Gianni, Federico (2000) Lo sviluppo della capacità d’ascolto, le richerche di Tomatis, lo strumento operativo In Kaunzner, Ulrike A (Ed.) “Pronunciation and the Adult Learner: Limitations and Possibilities”. CLUEB, Bologna.
  • Gilmor, T.M., Madaule, P. and Thompson, B. (1989). About the Tomatis Method, Toronto: The Listening Centre Press.
  • Jenny, H. (1974). Cymatics, Volume II. Basel, Switzerland: Basilius Presse AG.
  • Leeds, Joshua. (1997) Sonic Alchemy: Conversations with Leading Sound Practitioners. Sausalito, CA: InnerSong Press.
  • Leeds, Joshua. (2001) The Power of Sound. Healing Arts Press.
  • Kaunzner, U. & Gianni Federico (1997). Il progetto Audio Lingua: Miglioramento della comprensione uditiva et della espressione orale di una lingua straniera. In C. Gagliardi (Ed.) “Quaderni del Centro Linguistico dell’Università di Verona”. (pp. 37-78). Pescara, Italy: Libreria dell’ Università Editrice.
  • Le Gall, A. (1961, 1988). The correction of certain psychological and psychopedagogical deficiencies by the Electronic Ear using the Tomatis Effect. Office of the Inspector General of Public Instruction, Paris. “Listen”.
  • Le Gall, A. (1973) Le Redressement de certaines déficiences psychologiques et psychopédagogiques par l’appareil à effet Tomatis. Paris: Centre du Langage.
  • Madaule, Paul. (1993). When Listening Comes Alive. Norval. Ontario, Canada: Moulin Publishing.
  • Marohn, S. (2002). The Tomatis Method: Listening and Autism. “The Natural Medicine Guide to Autism”. Charlottesville, VA: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 193-220.
  • Maduro, R, Lallement, M, Tomatis, A. (1952). La Surdite Professionelle, Paris: Librarie Arnette.
  • Ostrander S, Schroeder L, Ostrander N: (1997) Superlearning 2000. New York, NY: Dell Publishing.
  • Sollier, Pierre (2005). Listening for Wellness: An Introduction to the Tomatis Method. Walnut Creek, CA: The Mozart Center Press.
  • Thompson, B.M. (1993). Listening disabilities: Plight of Many in Wolvin, A. and Coakley, C. (Eds), “Perspectives on Listening. Norwood”, NJ: Ablex Publishing.
  • Thompson, B.M. (1993). Sound Therapy. In Burton Goldberg Group, “Alternative Medicine: The Definitive Guide”. Puyallup, Washington: Future Medicine Publishing, Inc.
  • Tomatis, Lena. (1970). L’intégration des langues vivantes. Paris: Editions Soditap.
  • Verny, T. (1981). The secret life of the unborn child. New York: Dell Publishing Co.
  • Weeks, B.S. (1991). The physician, the ear and sacred music in Campbell, D.G. (Ed.), “Music – Physician for times to come”. Wheaton: Theosophical Publishing House.
  • Wolvin, A.D. & Coakley, C.G. (1991). Listening. 4th edition. Dubuque: William C. Brown Company.
  • Vanthuyne, G., Debruyne, J., & Schenkel, R. (1977). Utilisation de l’oreille électronique à effet Tomatis dans le cadre du cours d’anglais d’une première année de l’enseignement secondaire belge. Comines, Belgium: Athénée Royal pour garçons et jeunes filles (bound typescript).

Books, Articles, and Presentations by Dr. Alfred A. Tomatis

  • Tomatis, A.A. (1953a). L’Oreille musicale. Journal Français O.R.L.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1953b). Correction de la voix chantée. In «Cours International de Phonologie et de Phoniatrie» (pp. 335-353). Paris: Librairie Maloine.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1954). La Sélectivité auditive. Bulletin du Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches médicales de la SFECMAS,(10).
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1956). Relations entre l’audition et la phonation. Annales des Telecommunications, 2:7-8.
  • Tomatis, A.A., & Moulonguet, M. (1960). Conditionnement audio-vocal. Bulletin de l’Académie Nationale de Medecine, 144:11-12.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1963). L’Oreille et le langage. Paris: Editions du Seuil, Collection Microcosme, Le Rayon de la Science n°17, 192 pages, illustrated. See also English translation, Tomatis, A. A., (1996). The Ear and Language. Translation in collaboration with Billie Thompson, Moulin Publishing. Norval, Ontario, Canada.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1964). L’O.R.L. Devant les problémes du langage. L’Hopital, no. 747.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1967). La dyslexie. Cours à l’Ecole d’Anthropologie. Editions Soditap.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1970). Le langage-examen clinique-pathologie-traitement. Société de médecine de Paris: Revue d’Enseignement Post-Universitaire.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1971). Education et dyslexie. Paris: Les Editions E.S.F. Collection “Sciences de l’Education”, 201 pages. See also English translation, Tomatis, A.A. (1978). Education and dyslexia. Translated from original French by Louise Guiney. Fribourg, Switzerland: A.I.A.P.P.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1972). Nouvelles théories sur la physiologie auditive. IIéme Congrés International d’Audio-Psycho-Phonologie. Paris.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1972). La libération d’Oedipe. Paris: Les Editions E.S.F. Collection “Sciences de l’Education”, 180 pages.
  • Tomatis, A. A. (1974). Vers l’écoute humaine , Tome 1 : Qu’est-ce que l’écoute humaine? Paris: Editions E. S. F. Collection “Sciences de l’Education”, 183 pages, ill.
  • Tomatis, A. A. (1974). Vers l’écoute humaine , Tome 2 : Qu’est-ce que l’oreille humaine? Paris: Les Edition E.S.F. Collection “Sciences de l’Education”, 183 pages, ill.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1974). La rééducation de la voix. La Vie Médicale, no. 20.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (January 1976). Detection of dyslexia among pre-school children. Paper presented at the National Congress of the South African Society for Education.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1977). L’Oreille et la vie. List of References on The Tomatis Method 2. Paris: Editions Laffont. Collection ” Réponses Santé”, 315 pages. See also English translation, Tomatis, A. A. (1991). The Conscious Ear. Barrytown, NY: Station Hill Press.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (March 1979). Translated by T. Brown. The Ear and Learning Difficulties. Paper presented at the Quebec Association for Children with Learning Problems.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1981). La nuit uterine. Paris: Editions Stock, Paris, 256 pages.
  • Tomatis, A. A. 1987). L’oreille et la voix, Edition Laffont, Paris, 328 pages. See also English translation, Tomatis, A. A., (2005). The Ear and the Voice, translated by Roberta Prada & Pierre Sollier, The Scarecrow Press, Lanhan, Maryland, Toronto, Oxford.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1987). Ontogenesis of the faculty of listening. In T.R.Verny (Ed.), Pre- and perinatal psychology: An introduction. New York: Human Sciences Press, 23-35.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1988). Les Troubles Scolaires. Paris: Ergo Press. 213 pages.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1989). Vertiges. Paris: Ergo Press, 160 pages.
  • Tomatis, A.A. (1989). Neuf Mois au Paradis. Paris: Ergo Press, 258 pages.
  • Tomatis, A., & Sellin, L. (1991). Nous sommes tous nés polyglottes, Paris: Editions Fixot, 220 pages.
  • Tomatis, A. A. (1991). Pourquoi Mozart? Paris: Editions Fixot, 194 pages.
  • Tomatis, A. A. (1996). Ecouter l’Univers. Paris: Editions Robert Laffont.
  • Tomatis, A. A. (1999) L’Oreille et la vie. Paris : Collections Livre de Poche.
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