Lyndal Henry

New Plymouth

Tomatis® Practitioner Level 1

I have been an Occupational Therapist for 37 years and have worked in many different areas of Occupational Therapy. I have specialized in Brain injury rehabilitation including attention training and memory enhancing. In 2004, I opened my private practice after completing training in Autism and sensory integration. I work with children who have Autism, ADHD and ADD. I also work with children with handwriting challenges, dyspraxia (also known as developmental coordination disorder), anxiety, fussy eating, and auditory processing disorder.

I have really enjoyed seeing the children progress and cherish some letters and cards of thanks that children and parents have written to me. Tomatis® fits well with what l do and l have enjoyed adding this to my programmes, along with the Forbrain® and Soundsory® systems as well.

Why I work with Tomatis®

I chose to work with Tomatis® because it compliments really well what I already do with children and adults. I have known that music programmes are really effective and was excited to have the opportunity to train in New Zealand. I am seeing some good outcomes for the people l have been able to do Tomatis® with so far, and looking forward to helping more people in the future.


For me personally, l found l slept better than l had in years. I was more relaxed and calm after doing my listening. One of my sisters found that her emotions were less extreme and she felt better in herself.

A parent of a 6-year old boy felt that he was able to calm down easier when he became upset. His dad was impressed that he went to his room without being asked and returned calmly. He also said he noticed he was not bumping into things or tripping over as much as before.

The teachers at school found they could have a conversation with a teenager and he was lucid and on a topic which was a BIG change. He was also more focused and on task.

Get in touch

The best way to get in touch with me is by cell phone or email, I try and respond at the time or as soon as l get a message.

I have an Occupational Therapy clinic at WITT Polytechnic where l rent some unused classrooms. l also go out to schools and to homes. I can go wherever I need to do the best for my clients. I look forward to hearing from you.

  • Business Name: DaySTAR Occupational Therapy Services