Anne Hayden


Tomatis ® Practitioner Level 1

I’m a passionate mother of 3 and grandmother of 3, with another due in December.

As a young teenager, I noticed the distress of my grandmother, who had back pain. I remember as if it was only yesterday, massaging her back for 30 minutes while she sat on a dining room chair. The next day she told me she had been pain-free for the rest of the day. (She had Parkinson’s and Osteoporosis).

My journey in life has been allied to well-being and researching how to attain well-being.

Satisfying my artistic interests first, I became a hairdresser. I noticed that some children had sensitivities to their hair and especially their neck areas being touched and that a haircut took patience and understanding on my part to perform. During that time, I was privy to many family stories and their stressful lives.

Twenty years ago, I studied therapeutic massage and became interested in health science.

I also studied  Bowen Fascial Kinetics with Russell Sturgess and Neurological Integration System (NIS) with Allan Phillips, D.O. The benefits I received from these modalities spurred me on to more research about our brain and understand how it works.

In 2007 my mum suffered a stroke at 84 years of age and had to give up driving and teaching piano. Amazingly, knowing the brain is plastic, I took her CD player and cell phone to the hospital to start her recovery. We then moved on to her piano, and slowly starting off with practising scales, my mum gradually taught herself to play again.

During supporting mum, I took a part-time job as a “Taste Tempter” ( Cook) at The Learning Centre, an early childcare centre. Working with organic food was both a challenge and a delight, a natural learning curve. Creating healthy recipes for children with allergies, food intolerances, and good and picky eaters is a most satisfying job!

Then one of my family members was diagnosed as high functioning autistic. This started me on another journey. Sometimes what seems to be a child ‘behaving ‘badly’ or not sleeping all night is a symptom of help and understanding.

Why I work with Tomatis®

Through reading The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doidge, MD, I understood how plastic our brain is and read the personal stories of Alfred Tomatis and Paul Madaule. These authentic stories, And the Music Therapy used, led me to The Tomatis® Method.

Children with learning difficulties and their families need an enormous amount of understanding, patience and help.

I’m passionate about helping these children and their families to reach their full potential; I’ve come out of retirement.


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